Friday, June 29, 2012

30 Days of No Make-uo: Day 29

  Well Happy Friday!

Tomorrow is the last and final day of our challenge, yahoo! Great job if you've stuck with us and even if you only did it for awhile!

I just wanted to thank each of you who have participated and also those of you who have followed the blogging this month. This truly has been life changing and it has been a blessed journey for me, I hope it has been for you too! I hope that you've learned a lot and been able to truly embrace your beauty and step out from the shadows that you may have been hiding behind.

If you want to dig deeper into self image issues, local counselor and life coach, Robyn Coffman has a "Beyond Skin Deep" workshop you can attend or even self study as well as individual counseling and life coaching. She is wonderfully amazing and I am sure you'll be blessed by her if you ever need her services. You can check her out on facebook at Once Upon Your Life-Robyn Coffman or you can contact her by phone at 928-848-1655.

We are wrapping up our journey Monday, July 2nd at 6:00 pm at SMARTgirls in Prescott Valley if you'd like to join us. We'll have some refreshments and we'll just be there to celebrate our journey and share all that we learned. We'd love to see you!

Thanks again for being part of this journey with us! Here's to changing what society says is "beautiful"!!!


Thursday, June 28, 2012

30 Days of No Make-up: Day 28

Morning dear friends, I hope your week has gone well and that you're finishing this challenge strong. 

I want to reiterate from a previous blog post that I don't at all believe that wearing make-up is wrong or that to embrace your beauty you have to abstain from it. There's that coined saying that "Make-up is to enhance our natural beauty". Well we all know how often that happens and how many women use it as such. Sure I told my daughter that but it certainly wasn't how I viewed it. So why not take that to heart and if you choose to wear make-up, as you apply it, see it enhancing your natural beauty, not covering it up.

If we wish to see women embracing their beauty and debunking the lies of perfection and unveiling the impossible comparisons we try to live up to, we have to be the ones to start. 

So, as you complete this challenge I want to ask you to not just allow a change for a little while only to have the experience back on a shelf and chocked up for a job well done but make this a lasting impression. Maybe even make it your goal to encourage other women in this area and use your experience to make a difference! 

If you have daughters or granddaughters, young ones or older ones, wouldn't you just love to see them grow up in a society that embraces how simply beautiful they are? Sure we see it here and there but overall, it's a fading light. We have to make the change happen, no one else will. So, why not start with you?

I don't know about you but this challenge has lit a spark in me and I don't want to see it go out. I want to daily be thankful to my creator for all that HE so beautifully created me to be. 

Will you join me?

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

30 Days of No Make-up:Day 27

Only 4 more days to go!

What has this journey sparked in you, what have you learned? Are you counting the days until you've successfully completed your challenge or are you relishing every last moment?

I have to admit, as a busy mom of three little ones, I've enjoyed the extra time I've had in the mornings that getting ready normally takes. When my mom and I first decided to take on this challenge, I jokingly said, "Well, I guess I'll be getting more creative with me hair!" I normally don't do much with my hair, it's a big deal if I blow dry and style it! And I mean, a BIG deal! I guess I felt like I might need to sort of cover up in a different way. Oddly enough, I think it's been quite the opposite. I think I've worn my hair in a pony tail more in the last 27 days than I normally do.

There's something beautiful about simplicity. In a world of constant change, busyness, phones ringing and vibrating, tv's and other mechanical devices vying for our attention, don't you ever long for simplicity?

A few months ago my husband and I were looking at some property in a more rural area. We live in a fairly small town, so it's not like the hustle and bustle of the city, but when we were out there,  I realized how much noise actually surrounded our house (not talking about my kids here!). I found it to be most glorious and now long for it often!

Have you ever seen a woman with her hair pulled back in a pony tail, glistening bare skin and just some jeans and a t-shirt and just thought, "Wow, she is just so beautiful". Simplicity my friends, simplicity.

There is much to be discovered when it comes to simplicity when it comes to our beauty. We were made beautiful just the way we are.

So today, embrace how simply beautiful you are!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

30 Days of No Make-up: Day 26

Happy Tuesday!

Here is the youtube video and lyrics of the song I mentioned yesterday... (I don't know what it is with me and songs these last couple blog posts!) :)  I have to say that I hadn't watched the video until just before I posted this and although it's not the best music video I've ever seen, let me just say, I was pretty wowed towards the end. At 2 minutes it gets pretty incredible. This ladies, is what we compete with. It's no wonder we can never measure up.

More Beautiful You-Jonny Diaz

More Beautiful You lyrics
Songwriters: Diaz, Jonny; York, Kate;

Little girl fourteen flipping through a magazine
Says she wants to look that way
But her hair isn't straight, her body isn't fake
And she's always felt overweight

Well, little girl fourteen I wish that you could see
That beauty is within your heart
And you were made with such care, your skin, your body and your hair
Are perfect just the way they are

There could never be a more beautiful you
Don't buy the lies, disguises and hoops, they make you jump through
You were made to fill a purpose that only you could do
So there could never be a more beautiful you

Little girl twenty one the things that you've already done
Anything to get ahead
And you say you've got a man but He's got another plan
Only wants what you will do instead

Well, little girl twenty one you never thought that this would come
You starve yourself to play the part
But I can promise you there's a man whose love is true
And He'll treat you like the jewel you are

There could never be a more beautiful you
[- From: -]
Don't buy the lies, disguises and hoops, they make you jump through
You were made to fill a purpose that only you could do
So there could never be a more beautiful you, more beautiful you

So turn around you're not too far
To back away be who you are
To change your path go another way
It's not too late, you can be saved
If you feel depressed with past regrets
The shameful nights hope to forget
Can disappear, they can all be washed away

By the one who's strong, can right your wrongs
Can rid your fears dry, all your tears
And change the way you look at this big world
He will take your dark distorted view
And with His light, He will show you truth
And again you'll see through the eyes of a little girl

That there could never be a more beautiful you
Don't buy the lies, disguises and hoops, they make you jump through
You were made to fill a purpose that only you could do
So there could never be a more beautiful you
There could never be a more beautiful you

Monday, June 25, 2012

30 days of No Make-up: Day 25

Happy Monday!

Wow! I can't believe June is almost over! We only have 6 days left in our challenge. Great job for sticking with us!

A few years ago my sister purchased some wall words for my daughter, Emma's birthday. The words came from a song and they say "There could never be a more beautiful you". Even though she was too young to read them I wanted to have them forever posted on her wall as a constant reminder. The ironic thing was that my sister struggled and battled to believe these words herself. Every girl wants to be a princess. To be wooed and spin around in magnificent dresses and have everyone around her tell her how beautiful she is. I was more of a tom boy when I was younger but my sister was all about the glitz and glam, fashion and style. I was mismatched in my neon mickey mouse clothes and was in love with punky brewster! But when I got older I always went to Julie's closet for clothes. She hated it, I loved it and I'm sure my mom loathed the fights that ensued over borrowed clothes! :) If you have daughters you know exactly what I mean!!! But I watched as my sister grew older, how she strived for perfection, for beauty, for wholeness but it seemed to be never ending. She had enough clothes to outfit an entire cheer squad, for the year (!), and she always looked so fashionable. She was beautiful. But just like I talked about a few weeks ago, she didn't see it. As her family, we all longed for her to see it, but she just didn't, it was as if she couldn't. She'd spent too many years comparing herself to what the world defined as beauty and it had defeated her. I know there's many women at the other end of the spectrum as well who don't see the beauty they behold and think it's just not worth trying so they don't even bother.

I beg of you, if you are in either of these places, please don't stay here. Find a friend, a counselor or someone else who can help you discover your beauty, worth and value in this world. You are beautiful, you are amazing and trust me friend when I say, "There could NEVER be a more beautiful You"!!!!

I am beyond grateful that today, my sister is more beautiful than I can imagine. She finally is perfect and whole and no longer vies with the powers that be in this world to compete for status and beauty. She rests at the feet of Jesus and dances in the gentle breezes of heaven. And I look forward to the day when I will hug her neck and see what she was always created to be.

Friday, June 22, 2012

30 Days of No Make-up: Day 22

Happy Friday everyone!

Today is a short post. Randomly in the middle of the night last night and in about 10 ounces of alertness the idea came to me to post this video. I chock that up to divine intervention, not me, so I felt like someone needed to hear these words.

Enjoy! Oh and I've got another picture for ya today. And since my other two kiddos are with me in the first two pictures, I figured I had to give my littlest wee one some screen time too. :)

                      JJ Heller~What Love Really Means

Me and my baby girl Lucy who is 9 months :)

Thursday, June 21, 2012

30 days of No Make Up-Day 21

So, how did you do yesterday reminding/telling yourself how incredibly you are made? Keep it up as it will take a lot longer than one day to cement within yourself these truths.

Today marks a pivotal place in our challenge. They say it takes 21 days to form a habit and today is that day!

What habits have you been making in these 21 days? I realize you've been going without make-up but that's not necessarily the habit we're looking for. It's not just about the make-up but about uncovering the lies that we've believed and getting rid of them. Maybe it's about the habit of not even giving the lies of our society the time of day. At the end of this journey something bigger will have stayed with you. What might that be?

I think for me it's been about uncovering the lie that me in my natural state of beauty just isn't enough. I'm still working through this one but I'm a lot further along than I was before!

Today I hope you'll continue reminding yourself how amazing and talented you really are and keep an eye out for the lies that lurk around every corner!

A quick assignment for you. Today, write one thing down that you're amazing at. Keep it somewhere you can see and add to it each day. Even add things you like about yourself. Sometimes we need the reminders and having this somewhere you can see it will likely give you a pick me up when you least expect it. :)

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

30 Days of No Make-up: Day 20

With just 10 days left, how are you doing?

I just wanted to remind you of a few things today...


  • Fabulous
  • Wonderful
  • Super Special
  • Totally amazing
  • Teriffic
  • breathtaking
  • striking
  • admirable
  • amazing
  • extraordinary
  • brilliant
The list can and does go on and on! Personalize these today and put your name in there. Add a bunch more descriptives! Own it and say, "(your name) you are fabulous. (name) you are wonderful. 

My parents used to tell me when I was a kid that it takes 1 negative to completely wipe out 20 positive and 20 positive to overcome 1 negative. If you're like me, you've told yourself many negative things over the years and few positive. So we've got a lot of work to do! Start here. Post things around your home, car and at work to remind you of these things!

Have an amazing day dear friends!


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

30 days of No Make-up: Day 19

Hello to Tuesday friends!

I apologize for not posting yesterday, I unintentionally took a 3 day blogging sabbatical I guess. :)

I thought I'd just share a little bit of what I've learned on my journey so far.

I'm really beginning to be ok and at peace with not wearing make-up. It used to be that when I looked in the mirror without make-up I generally felt like I looked rather ghastly, like I'd just come back from the grave or something. But now I don't think that. I see me, the real, tried and true me. The me with imperfections that I certainly don't care for but that really don't matter. The me that longs for wholeness on the inside rather than the outside. I see me. The one who God fashioned by His grace, His choice, at His time, in His likeness and just the way He wanted because He loves me and wanted to be glorified through me. Life is so much easier when we realize we're not calling the shots, never were, never have been, never will be. But yet I still tried to and thought I did. Isn't that a funny one? I tried to tell my creator that he'd done a bad job and that he had some things to fix. I think his reply went something like this. "Eh hem, reality check??? I made you  and I certainly did not screw up." The harsh reality is, sure there were things I needed to let Him fix, but it wasn't anything about my body, face or appearance. It was/is my heart. It was/is my lack of focus and tendency to get distracted and caught up in what this world says matters.

Today I'm praying that my focus lies where it needs to and that I am caught up in His grace and the beauty of how He created me.

Deuteronomy 10:21- He is your praise and He is your God, who has done for you these great and awesome things which your eyes have seen.

Friday, June 15, 2012

30 days of No Make-up: Day 15

Happy Friday Ladies! Fridays can be such a refreshing day. You get to often look forward to the weekend and doing things you love. Spending time with family and friends, sporting events, hikes, hobbies and the like. This weekend most of you will spend some time celebrating your dad and maybe husbands, brothers or sons and I hope that this time blesses your heart.

I want to challenge you this weekend to take opportunities to remind yourself that you are beautiful, amazing and wonderfully made. My kids have these dvd's called, Miss Patty Cake. One of the songs she sings says "You are fabu-wonder-super-special-totally-amaze-eriffic!" I love this song because it takes all of these words we often use to describe people and things but it also reminds our kids that they are fearfully and wonderfully made. There is no one like them. They are unique and beautiful just the way they are. But for some reasons we stop reminding ourselves these things as we grow into adults. We measure ourselves to the impossible "perfect" and rarely look back. We settle in thinking we are second best. Well, it's just not true. I pasted a phrase on my girls' bedroom wall that I pray will resonate in their souls forever, "There could never be, a more beautiful you". Take the time this weekend to remind yourself how beautiful and amazing you are. How "fabu-wonder--super-special-totally-amaze-eriffic" you are. My biggest challenge though for the weekend is that you dig deep and find the strength to stop any negative thoughts or words about yourself for this weekend. No complaining about your hair, your imperfections, your stomach, stretch marks, legs, scars, etc. (Trust me, several of these resonate with me and they're toughies!) But, we can do it!

Join me will you? I really think that being thankful for how HE has made us stirs HIS heart for the sake of HIS love for us.

See ya Monday!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

30 Days of No Make-up: Day 14

Two weeks down! Way to go! I hope you're beginning to feel more comfortable in your own skin, I know I am and I've been so blessed on this journey. Although I don't plan to ban make-up forever after this challenge, I believe I will be intentional about going without make-up one day a week. I may even do it on a rotation so that I don't always get to pick the most convenient day of the week for me, keep me out of my comfort zone a little :)

Well friends, now that we're half way through I feel like we've done the hardest part of it all, We've climbed up the mountain and we're almost to the top. We've begun to see the horizon and it's beautiful. But we've only yet begun. There's more to be discovered for we can only see the horizon through the trees. We don't yet know what awaits us at the top/end of this journey but it's sure to be amazing if we continue to climb, out of the darkness and into the light. I do believe that what awaits us is not only breathtaking but it's life changing, world altering, forever different. Some of you may be wavering, unsure if you should pursue. Well dear friends, can I tell you, it'll be worth it. I urge you to move forward. Fear may be what's stopping you and if it is, let me ask you, how many amazing things have you seen and experienced because you didn't let fear stop you? I read a devotional recently that a woman was letting fear hold her back and a wise friend of hers asked her, "what if you take fear out, what's left"? So if you take fear out of the equation I believe you'll see that there's freedom at the end of this journey. What will it be, freedom or bondage?

So dig deep sisters and let's go see what awaits us!

Me and my son Jack this morning. I don't know what it is about my kids wanting to make silly faces in these pictures! ;)

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

30 Days of No Make-up: Day 13

As I stared down at my 9 month old baby girl this morning I thought to myself, "She's so beautiful. Her ivory skin and big blue eyes and a smile and innocence that light up the world. Simply beautiful".

Pssst, I have a secret for you. Someone thinks the same about you. Don't believe me? It's true, I promise.

How often does someone pay you a compliment and you politely say, "Oh, thank you" while really you just brush it off like they're just being kind but don't really mean it? And isn't it interesting how we usually take compliments the least serious from those who love us most. Why is that? Oh yes, because we think they're obligated to say it. I can tell you this, my heart breaks when I think of my kids and husband thinking the compliment I paid them wasn't serious but more a mere obligation. I pray that they take things to heart, knowing how much I love them and how true my words are. I pray that my words would sink deep down into their hearts, resonating with their very being. Because, it's true. And there's someone, and likely several someone's, who are praying, wishing you'd believe them too!

A few months ago I read an article in the newspaper about one of the newest fads on youtube being kids videoing themselves and then asking viewers, "Am I beautiful or am I ugly?" My heart sank and I literally shuttered at the thought. The scariest part is that their parents didn't even know about it. I'm sure most of the parents were horrified at best when they found out. I guarantee these parents at many moments stared down at their child and were enamored with their beauty. As they grew they were enamored with their talents, their inward and outward beauty and the things sometimes only a parent knows. Yet, these kids went seeking approval and the responses were disastrous. Many told them "you're so ugly you should kill yourself" and made awful jokes. Others however pleaded with them not to do this, telling them they are beautiful and that they deserve more than this. Sadly, these videos went viral in popularity because there's something that draws our culture to things that often are just sick and wrong.

My point is, how often do we look to all the wrong places for approval? Sometimes even knowing we won't get one or even worse, receive the opposite. Unfortunately, it's sort of built into us to easily believe the bad but quick to toss out the good. Yet we still go hunting it.

I want you to remember something. YOU ARE AMAZING!!!! Write it on your mirror, notes around your house and car. Most things in our world tell us we don't measure up, it's a lie. There are people in your life who believe these lies and you beg of them not to! Someone today, besides me, is begging you to silence these lies and see how incredible you are. You're beautiful, inside and out! You have a creator who is enamored with you. There may be years of lies and hurt covering up your belief of beauty, so I say, "Start digging sister"! It's in there and it's worth fighting for. Wouldn't you tell someone the same? For once, take the good instead of the bad and start seeking out the positive. Do away with this nonsense our world throws at us. It surely hasn't gotten us anywhere good so far! So don't keep following it. And make this a habit. Do whatever you have to do to resist it! YOU ARE AMAZING and if you will just believe and embrace this, well, it'll knock your socks off!

Sorry this was so lengthy. I didn't even actually have anything planned when I woke up this morning. But, let's just say I had a little, I mean A LOT of help from one of those who thinks you're pretty amazing :)

Have an amazing day friend!


Tuesday, June 12, 2012

30 Days of No Make-up: Day 12

A few days ago I was reading a devotional about thankfulness. It dealt with the fact that we often want to complain about things rather than taking time to be thankful. It made me think about how we take so much time to critique ourselves and identify what we don't like rather than being thankful for the way we were created. It might even be starting simple, like being thankful you can get out of bed, walk, run, having two arms and two legs, whatever. Taking the time to be thankful daily for at least one thing will not only make us happier and healthier, inside and out, but it will also begin a pattern of thankfulness. Which can in turn, combat this unhealthy obsession with what we think is not right or perfect. 

Yesterday we identified something we like about ourselves. Today, choose something you like about yourself and something you are thankful for. Maybe even find a reason to be thankful for something you don't like about yourself. Like, "I'm not crazy about my legs but I'm thankful that I have two working legs that get me around" or " I don't like my crazy hair but I'm thankful that I have hair". 

I'd love to know what you like about yourself and what you're thankful for. Feel free to post if you'd like! 

Here's mine... I like my height and my eyes and I'm thankful for my legs that get me where I need to go. :)

See ya tomoroow!


Monday, June 11, 2012

30 Days of No Make-up: Day 11

Happy Monday Ladies! I hope you had a wonderful weekend!

Well, my weekend was not as traumatic for me as I imagined it might be. Funny how we can make such a big deal about things when they're really not. But I'm sure none of you can relate, right? ;)

From the beginning, I've had a few reasons for taking on this challenge and one of them I haven't yet discussed on here. It's for my two precious baby girls, Emma who is 5 and Lucy who is 8 months. I know the struggles I've endured with my body image and being secure in who I was created to be. It made me want to forge a new path for them to follow. I want them to always be thankful and secure in their beauty.

It's beyond sobering when you're applying your make-up and your daughter says, "Mommy, can I have some make-up on too?" To which I reply, "Oh no, honey. You're beautiful just the way you are." Then she says it..."So mommy, why do you need make-up then?" Gulp.
How do you tell them that they don't need make-up because they're already so beautiful while yet continuing your pursuit of comfort behind this mask of color? Again, not that I think make-up is all together bad, but when it becomes a crutch or security, it is detrimental at best. It was at that moment I knew something had to change. I can't live by the "Do as I say and not as I do" principle when it comes to this. (Although I do when it comes to eating brownies for breakfast. Anyone relate?) :) But seriously, I can see what a downward spiral it begins for my girls when I set this example. So, I had to make a decision. I had to decide what I was going to do to change this.

When I think of the assault our society launches at women, day after day and every moment therein, it makes me sick. And when I think of my girls being impacted by this the way we all have been, the mama bear in me rises up to protect my girls. Protect them from these lies! Interesting that we all know that these truly are lies but yet fail to embrace them as such, or rather choose not to embrace them. Why is that? What am I, what are you, what are we going to do about it? We can't simply go on this way and expect things to miraculously change. Because it's just going to get worse. The world stands too much money to lose to stop fighting this battle. But we stand to lose entirely too much and our daughters even more so if we don't take some action. So, what can we do? What might you be able to do today to change your thought process? To be confident and comfortable in your own skin and to begin to be thankful for who you are?

Last night, my husband took Emma out on a little date. She's a wonderful little chatterbox and she just randomly told my husband that she likes her dimple. Pretty much makes my heart leap for joy and brings tears to my eyes I must say! But it challenges me to find at least one thing today that I like about myself.

How about you? What is at least one thing you like about yourself? Find one today and make it a point to find at least one every day this week, if not more!

Friday, June 8, 2012

30 Days of No Make-up: Day 8

Happy Friday Friends,

If you've been with us on this challenge since Day 1, congratulations! You've completed one full week! How do you feel? I'd love for you to share your experiences and what you've learned so far! Feel free to share on the blog or on facebook. Let's inspire one another! Oh and if you'd like to share a picture of your beautiful face, we'd love that too!!!

This weekend will likely be my biggest challenge yet. I attended church last weekend without make-up and it turned out to be no big deal, even though I felt a little insecure. But this time is different. Throughout the weekend I will be in front of a few thousand people. Gulp. Not that I am the focus whatsoever because I do not desire to be so, it's just the thought of being seen by all those people without make-up is scary. I seriously wonder if someone might think I am ill. :)  But, I move forward waiting to see what lessons await me.

Have a fabulous weekend beauties! See ya Monday


P.s. If I'm being honest, I was looking forward to only posting a picture once a week. However, now that I haven't posted since last Friday, I realize today is another picture day. Anyone else dread picture day? And that was WITH make-up! Dreaded or not, here it is. Again, I would really love it if you would post your picture too!


Thursday, June 7, 2012

30 Days No Make-up: Day 7

Wow! It's been 7 days already. Although I am missing wearing make-up a little bit, I am also enjoying having extra time in the mornings and not pondering whether or not to throw on some make-up before heading out the door for this or that. Extra time to spend with the Lord, my kiddos or my hubby. That's definitely a worth while trade off!

I don't think it's a mere coincidence that before I went to sleep last night a little "Devotion for Mom's" book that I haven't picked up in probably over a year caught my eye on my night stand. It's a very quick little read, 2 minutes or less, so I grabbed it before I closed my eyes and headed for dream land. As I finished it up I smiled as I was reminded that this is just so the character of the Lord. The devotion fit perfectly into this 30 day challenge and even more so with what I've been learning this week.

Let me share...

In the devotion, the writer is talking about Sparrows. They're a sweet little bird but there's tons of them. So, to the majority of people, it's just another bird. A dime a dozen, or as this person puts it, worth only pennies to some. However, upon further investigation, the writer discovered that there are 17 species of sparrows and beyond each one, 30 sub-species! And not only is each one not identical to the other in appearance but also in song. Not one of them ever sings the exact same song. Incredible.

As she progresses in her story she reminds her readers that we are each much more important to our maker than a sparrow. That He has created each of us so uniquely. Here's the part that grabbed me the most, pertaining to our challenge... " Too many times we judge our own worth by what we believe others think of us. That kind of thinking gets us into trouble because our value then depends on how we look, what we achieve, or how well we perform."

You and I, we were made so unique, not one like the other. We were made for greatness! Just like the sparrows, that greatness can look different from person to person, but trust me friend, you were made for more than hiding behind make-up, clothes or hollow achievements. What shadows are you hiding behind today that you need to step out from behind. Stepping into the "marvelous light" we talked about yesterday.

Today can be the day, if you choose.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

30 Days of No Make-Up: Day 6

As I cleaned up the breakfast dishes yesterday, a worship song I haven't heard in awhile popped into my head. It's called "Marvelous Light" and as I pondered the words of the song, a few boldly stuck out to me. "Into Marvelous Light I'm running. Out of darkness, out of shame." It reminded me of this journey I/we are on. The facade's we often hide behind can consume us at times, leaving us in darkness that has come from shame or may even create shame in a new way. I feel like in this journey I am stepping into the light of freedom from hiding behind something that isn't me. It was something meant to enhance who I am, not define me. I certainly don't want to be defined by a facade of something I hide behind, but rather, I want to be defined by who I was created to be, who I am as a person and who I am in Christ.

Within these moments yesterday morning, I was also reminded of a verse in 1 Samuel that says "...Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." 1 Samuel 16:7.  I often choose to blindly compare myself to women who appear to be perfect, perfect hair, body, dress etc, while forgetting that I am only looking at the outside. I can't see their hearts. I can't see where they've been or are now. I don't know what they may be hiding behind or from. If I would just choose to step back, stop comparing myself and be content with who I was made to be, not only would I be reminded that there is no "perfect" person but maybe, just maybe I would have the opportunity to see each woman for who she was created to be. Maybe it would even be an opportunity to encourage her with uplifting words. What have I been missing out on when I am focused on myself and longing for the "perfection" that doesn't even exist?

Today I feel like I have uncovered what has been a pretty good smack up side the head for me. Not only have I taken for granted who God created me to be because I've been too consumed with wanting something I can't have, but I've missed out on opportunities to appreciate other women for who God created them to be, from the inside out.

Wow.  Pretty sobering, huh? Today my challenge for myself is this... I am going to step back and take the time to step into this "Marvelous Light" and appreciate all the "very good" women God has created. :)

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

30 Days of No Make-up: Day 5

A friend of mine, Heather,  did this same sort of challenge a few months ago on her own and I received an email from her last week when she saw our challenge. Here's what her realization was as a whole... "After about 2 months, I felt much more comfortable in my own skin.  Now I can take it or leave it and be okay.  It's funny, my kids never really noticed or mentioned the change.  All they, or anyone else, really cares about is how you treat them." Very thought provoking! 

I read an article a few months ago about this same sort of thing. The woman's point at the end of it was that, we can doll ourselves all up on the outside and look perfect, but if we don't have a smile, love, joy and common courtesy for others, nobody really cares. 

It makes me wonder how many times I have foolishly dressed myself, make-up, hair and all but forgot the most important thing. Love. How about you? Have you ever done this?

Monday, June 4, 2012

30 Days of No Make-up: Day 4

*Quick note: I am posting on day 4 because I won't be blogging on the weekends. I'm not slacking, I just reserve that time for my family. :) Oh and I will post a picture once or twice a week, not daily. Not because I am hiding, but just out of the fact that I really don't think you want to look at pictures of me every day, really.

* :) Another quick note: We want you all to know that we do not at all believe that wearing make-up is wrong. It certainly can and does have it's place and purpose, maybe even every day. We don't think that  this needs to be a life long or even long term commitment to not wear make-up. For some it may be life long or long term but that is an individual decision. This is simply a challenge to uncover and find freedom from hiding behind make-up or whatever else. To realize we are more than these things, get to the heart of who that is and be comfortable in our own skin.

Well ladies, I have indeed survived 3 days of not wearing a stitch of make-up. Three, whole, days! It's not like I thought this would be insanely hard, but a challenge nonetheless.

I managed a girls night out, a day out and about at events in town, church and a neighborhood bbq. And ya know what I found? Nobody said a word. Yes, I wondered if they were thinking I looked ill, exhausted or something else but didn't say anything just to be kind. Maybe that was the case, maybe not. But no one treated me any differently. They loved me, liked me and acquainted me just the same. A definite thought for me to ponder.

Friday I took a quick look at all the ways we are told we don't measure up physically in society. How we are continually bombarded with the idea that we have to be perfect and aren't worth much if we aren't.

At our launch party, Robyn Coffman, a local women's life coach and counselor reminded us that at the time of our creation, when He was finished, God stepped back and said that His creation of Man and Woman was "Good. Very Good". Not perfect. No human being that has ever walked this earth has been or ever will be, perfect.

The definition of perfect is this "to make (something) completely free from faults or defects, or as close to such a condition as possible".  As I read this definition I realized that we are chasing an impossible task. Even those who we think are perfect would tell you they think otherwise. I recently read about a woman donned as "The Human Barbie Doll". She's had over 40 plastic surgeries to attempt to achieve perfection. Honestly, it made my heart ache for her. Where does all of this madness end?

Society certainly won't make it end. So we, as individuals, have to come to terms within ourselves, to stop the madness. Learning to be content. To remember that we were created "Good, very good" and stop striving for perfection.

I am reminded just not of Psalm 139:14:
               "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know          
that full well.

I want to sit with these words today, let them resonate within my soul. Would you join me?

Friday, June 1, 2012

30 Days of No Make-up Challenge: Day 1

Last night marked a pretty pivotol moment for me. I, along with 5 other women removed my make-up with a commitment to not put any more on my face for the next 30 days. I have not gone without make-up for 30 days since I started wearing it at age 13. Which brings back scary memories of wearing concealer as foundation. Foundation so thick, not only did my skin look like it was a completely different color but I'm pretty sure I could have drawn art in it! That's just wrong....

As I reflect back on those days of "caked on" make-up I begin to see how I got to the place of hiding behind make-up. I was a typical 13 year old girl with the beginning stages of acne. Naturally, make-up seemed like the glorious solution to my problem! If I could just put enough on, no one would even see my blemish laden skin. Perfect! Now that I look back on it I wonder why no one ever grabbed a wash cloth and scrubbed all that nasty stuff off my face! Holy toledo! :) I digress...

Unfortunately, we live in a fallen world filled with imperfections. We're bombarded by the notions of perfection everywhere we look. TV, billboards, facebook, magazines, plastic surgery, sporting events. It's everywhere. Lurking around every corner waiting to assault us with the message that we just don't measure up.

But here's the thing... Who ever said we were supposed to be perfect???

Let's think on this question for the weekend and I'll see you Monday...

This is me, Day 1 with my 5 year old Emma who wanted to join me in the picture :)

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

I have a confession to make...

I strongly dislike being seen without anyone. Well, anyone other than my family that is. I've never liked the fact that I felt kinda insecure without make-up and even more, what would people think if they saw me without it??? Well, heaven forbid!  Let's just not even GO there! However, there's been this tugging at my heart for a few years now, that I needed to "go bare" for awhile. Get away from that ugly notion that folks might gasp if they saw me without make-up! I've never felt like I was an insecure person, so what's my deal then, right? Hmm, not sure.

A few months ago, I received a magazine in the mail. I skimmed through it and happened upon an article titled, "A month with no make-up".  "Holy Toledo! She's brave", I thought to myself. Yet the more I read, the more I resonated with what she had to say. I had been wanting to do something like this, but just never had the guts. But this, this article, this woman's story changed it all for me. It challenged me to set aside my fear and jump in, ALL in.

So, I commissioned my mom and said, let's do this, but bigger! I know other women struggle with this, why not challenge them too? Well, here we are, just a few months later and I'm standing on the edge of what I feel in my heart is going to be something amazing! For me, I know that God is up to something and although I'm shuttering at the thought of no make-up for a month, I'm excited to see what's in store for us all in the next 720 hours or 30 days.

As I milk every last drop of foundation out of the bottle and prepare to stash my make-up bag for 30 days I wonder how I got here? How'd I get to this place of insecurity? I'm anxious to find out...

What about you? Do you hide behind make-up? Maybe it's baggy clothes or revealing ones? Maybe for you, it's something else? Whatever it is, would you consider joining us on this quest for freedom from hiding, shame or fear?

There's power in doing it together!

Join us tomorrow night, Thursday May 31st at 6:00 pm for a "No Make-up Launch Party". Robyn Coffman, a local Board certified Women's Life Coach and Counselor will be joining us to talk about the challenge of "Feeling comfortable in your OWN skin" and you'll have the opportunity to sign up for her "Beyond Skin Deep" self/group study. (see the flyer below

We want to be there to cheer you on through this adventure, to support you! If you feel like you might be tempted to sneak some make-up on, we'll even store your make-up bag for you until July 1st if you'd like, but that's voluntary. And why not invite your friends to join us too!

I'll be posting Monday-Friday on this blog about my journey through this 30 day challenge. I'll share my fears, my experiences and all that I'm learning. So, check back on Friday for my first blog day! And you can find the link on facebook too!

T-Minus less than 24 hours to my first whole day without make-up! Talk to you soon!


co-owner of SMARTgirls Resale Fashion

If you'd like to find out more about the woman's story that inspired me, you can do so on her ministry website that was birthed from her experience at