Wednesday, May 30, 2012

I have a confession to make...

I strongly dislike being seen without anyone. Well, anyone other than my family that is. I've never liked the fact that I felt kinda insecure without make-up and even more, what would people think if they saw me without it??? Well, heaven forbid!  Let's just not even GO there! However, there's been this tugging at my heart for a few years now, that I needed to "go bare" for awhile. Get away from that ugly notion that folks might gasp if they saw me without make-up! I've never felt like I was an insecure person, so what's my deal then, right? Hmm, not sure.

A few months ago, I received a magazine in the mail. I skimmed through it and happened upon an article titled, "A month with no make-up".  "Holy Toledo! She's brave", I thought to myself. Yet the more I read, the more I resonated with what she had to say. I had been wanting to do something like this, but just never had the guts. But this, this article, this woman's story changed it all for me. It challenged me to set aside my fear and jump in, ALL in.

So, I commissioned my mom and said, let's do this, but bigger! I know other women struggle with this, why not challenge them too? Well, here we are, just a few months later and I'm standing on the edge of what I feel in my heart is going to be something amazing! For me, I know that God is up to something and although I'm shuttering at the thought of no make-up for a month, I'm excited to see what's in store for us all in the next 720 hours or 30 days.

As I milk every last drop of foundation out of the bottle and prepare to stash my make-up bag for 30 days I wonder how I got here? How'd I get to this place of insecurity? I'm anxious to find out...

What about you? Do you hide behind make-up? Maybe it's baggy clothes or revealing ones? Maybe for you, it's something else? Whatever it is, would you consider joining us on this quest for freedom from hiding, shame or fear?

There's power in doing it together!

Join us tomorrow night, Thursday May 31st at 6:00 pm for a "No Make-up Launch Party". Robyn Coffman, a local Board certified Women's Life Coach and Counselor will be joining us to talk about the challenge of "Feeling comfortable in your OWN skin" and you'll have the opportunity to sign up for her "Beyond Skin Deep" self/group study. (see the flyer below

We want to be there to cheer you on through this adventure, to support you! If you feel like you might be tempted to sneak some make-up on, we'll even store your make-up bag for you until July 1st if you'd like, but that's voluntary. And why not invite your friends to join us too!

I'll be posting Monday-Friday on this blog about my journey through this 30 day challenge. I'll share my fears, my experiences and all that I'm learning. So, check back on Friday for my first blog day! And you can find the link on facebook too!

T-Minus less than 24 hours to my first whole day without make-up! Talk to you soon!


co-owner of SMARTgirls Resale Fashion

If you'd like to find out more about the woman's story that inspired me, you can do so on her ministry website that was birthed from her experience at

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