Wednesday, June 6, 2012

30 Days of No Make-Up: Day 6

As I cleaned up the breakfast dishes yesterday, a worship song I haven't heard in awhile popped into my head. It's called "Marvelous Light" and as I pondered the words of the song, a few boldly stuck out to me. "Into Marvelous Light I'm running. Out of darkness, out of shame." It reminded me of this journey I/we are on. The facade's we often hide behind can consume us at times, leaving us in darkness that has come from shame or may even create shame in a new way. I feel like in this journey I am stepping into the light of freedom from hiding behind something that isn't me. It was something meant to enhance who I am, not define me. I certainly don't want to be defined by a facade of something I hide behind, but rather, I want to be defined by who I was created to be, who I am as a person and who I am in Christ.

Within these moments yesterday morning, I was also reminded of a verse in 1 Samuel that says "...Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." 1 Samuel 16:7.  I often choose to blindly compare myself to women who appear to be perfect, perfect hair, body, dress etc, while forgetting that I am only looking at the outside. I can't see their hearts. I can't see where they've been or are now. I don't know what they may be hiding behind or from. If I would just choose to step back, stop comparing myself and be content with who I was made to be, not only would I be reminded that there is no "perfect" person but maybe, just maybe I would have the opportunity to see each woman for who she was created to be. Maybe it would even be an opportunity to encourage her with uplifting words. What have I been missing out on when I am focused on myself and longing for the "perfection" that doesn't even exist?

Today I feel like I have uncovered what has been a pretty good smack up side the head for me. Not only have I taken for granted who God created me to be because I've been too consumed with wanting something I can't have, but I've missed out on opportunities to appreciate other women for who God created them to be, from the inside out.

Wow.  Pretty sobering, huh? Today my challenge for myself is this... I am going to step back and take the time to step into this "Marvelous Light" and appreciate all the "very good" women God has created. :)

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