Monday, June 11, 2012

30 Days of No Make-up: Day 11

Happy Monday Ladies! I hope you had a wonderful weekend!

Well, my weekend was not as traumatic for me as I imagined it might be. Funny how we can make such a big deal about things when they're really not. But I'm sure none of you can relate, right? ;)

From the beginning, I've had a few reasons for taking on this challenge and one of them I haven't yet discussed on here. It's for my two precious baby girls, Emma who is 5 and Lucy who is 8 months. I know the struggles I've endured with my body image and being secure in who I was created to be. It made me want to forge a new path for them to follow. I want them to always be thankful and secure in their beauty.

It's beyond sobering when you're applying your make-up and your daughter says, "Mommy, can I have some make-up on too?" To which I reply, "Oh no, honey. You're beautiful just the way you are." Then she says it..."So mommy, why do you need make-up then?" Gulp.
How do you tell them that they don't need make-up because they're already so beautiful while yet continuing your pursuit of comfort behind this mask of color? Again, not that I think make-up is all together bad, but when it becomes a crutch or security, it is detrimental at best. It was at that moment I knew something had to change. I can't live by the "Do as I say and not as I do" principle when it comes to this. (Although I do when it comes to eating brownies for breakfast. Anyone relate?) :) But seriously, I can see what a downward spiral it begins for my girls when I set this example. So, I had to make a decision. I had to decide what I was going to do to change this.

When I think of the assault our society launches at women, day after day and every moment therein, it makes me sick. And when I think of my girls being impacted by this the way we all have been, the mama bear in me rises up to protect my girls. Protect them from these lies! Interesting that we all know that these truly are lies but yet fail to embrace them as such, or rather choose not to embrace them. Why is that? What am I, what are you, what are we going to do about it? We can't simply go on this way and expect things to miraculously change. Because it's just going to get worse. The world stands too much money to lose to stop fighting this battle. But we stand to lose entirely too much and our daughters even more so if we don't take some action. So, what can we do? What might you be able to do today to change your thought process? To be confident and comfortable in your own skin and to begin to be thankful for who you are?

Last night, my husband took Emma out on a little date. She's a wonderful little chatterbox and she just randomly told my husband that she likes her dimple. Pretty much makes my heart leap for joy and brings tears to my eyes I must say! But it challenges me to find at least one thing today that I like about myself.

How about you? What is at least one thing you like about yourself? Find one today and make it a point to find at least one every day this week, if not more!

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