Wednesday, June 13, 2012

30 Days of No Make-up: Day 13

As I stared down at my 9 month old baby girl this morning I thought to myself, "She's so beautiful. Her ivory skin and big blue eyes and a smile and innocence that light up the world. Simply beautiful".

Pssst, I have a secret for you. Someone thinks the same about you. Don't believe me? It's true, I promise.

How often does someone pay you a compliment and you politely say, "Oh, thank you" while really you just brush it off like they're just being kind but don't really mean it? And isn't it interesting how we usually take compliments the least serious from those who love us most. Why is that? Oh yes, because we think they're obligated to say it. I can tell you this, my heart breaks when I think of my kids and husband thinking the compliment I paid them wasn't serious but more a mere obligation. I pray that they take things to heart, knowing how much I love them and how true my words are. I pray that my words would sink deep down into their hearts, resonating with their very being. Because, it's true. And there's someone, and likely several someone's, who are praying, wishing you'd believe them too!

A few months ago I read an article in the newspaper about one of the newest fads on youtube being kids videoing themselves and then asking viewers, "Am I beautiful or am I ugly?" My heart sank and I literally shuttered at the thought. The scariest part is that their parents didn't even know about it. I'm sure most of the parents were horrified at best when they found out. I guarantee these parents at many moments stared down at their child and were enamored with their beauty. As they grew they were enamored with their talents, their inward and outward beauty and the things sometimes only a parent knows. Yet, these kids went seeking approval and the responses were disastrous. Many told them "you're so ugly you should kill yourself" and made awful jokes. Others however pleaded with them not to do this, telling them they are beautiful and that they deserve more than this. Sadly, these videos went viral in popularity because there's something that draws our culture to things that often are just sick and wrong.

My point is, how often do we look to all the wrong places for approval? Sometimes even knowing we won't get one or even worse, receive the opposite. Unfortunately, it's sort of built into us to easily believe the bad but quick to toss out the good. Yet we still go hunting it.

I want you to remember something. YOU ARE AMAZING!!!! Write it on your mirror, notes around your house and car. Most things in our world tell us we don't measure up, it's a lie. There are people in your life who believe these lies and you beg of them not to! Someone today, besides me, is begging you to silence these lies and see how incredible you are. You're beautiful, inside and out! You have a creator who is enamored with you. There may be years of lies and hurt covering up your belief of beauty, so I say, "Start digging sister"! It's in there and it's worth fighting for. Wouldn't you tell someone the same? For once, take the good instead of the bad and start seeking out the positive. Do away with this nonsense our world throws at us. It surely hasn't gotten us anywhere good so far! So don't keep following it. And make this a habit. Do whatever you have to do to resist it! YOU ARE AMAZING and if you will just believe and embrace this, well, it'll knock your socks off!

Sorry this was so lengthy. I didn't even actually have anything planned when I woke up this morning. But, let's just say I had a little, I mean A LOT of help from one of those who thinks you're pretty amazing :)

Have an amazing day friend!


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