* :) Another quick note: We want you all to know that we do not at all believe that wearing make-up is wrong. It certainly can and does have it's place and purpose, maybe even every day. We don't think that this needs to be a life long or even long term commitment to not wear make-up. For some it may be life long or long term but that is an individual decision. This is simply a challenge to uncover and find freedom from hiding behind make-up or whatever else. To realize we are more than these things, get to the heart of who that is and be comfortable in our own skin.
Well ladies, I have indeed survived 3 days of not wearing a stitch of make-up. Three, whole, days! It's not like I thought this would be insanely hard, but a challenge nonetheless.
I managed a girls night out, a day out and about at events in town, church and a neighborhood bbq. And ya know what I found? Nobody said a word. Yes, I wondered if they were thinking I looked ill, exhausted or something else but didn't say anything just to be kind. Maybe that was the case, maybe not. But no one treated me any differently. They loved me, liked me and acquainted me just the same. A definite thought for me to ponder.
Friday I took a quick look at all the ways we are told we don't measure up physically in society. How we are continually bombarded with the idea that we have to be perfect and aren't worth much if we aren't.
At our launch party, Robyn Coffman, a local women's life coach and counselor reminded us that at the time of our creation, when He was finished, God stepped back and said that His creation of Man and Woman was "Good. Very Good". Not perfect. No human being that has ever walked this earth has been or ever will be, perfect.
The definition of perfect is this "to make (something) completely free from faults or defects, or as close to such a condition as possible". As I read this definition I realized that we are chasing an impossible task. Even those who we think are perfect would tell you they think otherwise. I recently read about a woman donned as "The Human Barbie Doll". She's had over 40 plastic surgeries to attempt to achieve perfection. Honestly, it made my heart ache for her. Where does all of this madness end?
Society certainly won't make it end. So we, as individuals, have to come to terms within ourselves, to stop the madness. Learning to be content. To remember that we were created "Good, very good" and stop striving for perfection.
I am reminded just not of Psalm 139:14:
"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know
that full well.
I want to sit with these words today, let them resonate within my soul. Would you join me?
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