Hello to Tuesday friends!
I apologize for not posting yesterday, I unintentionally took a 3 day blogging sabbatical I guess. :)
I thought I'd just share a little bit of what I've learned on my journey so far.
I'm really beginning to be ok and at peace with not wearing make-up. It used to be that when I looked in the mirror without make-up I generally felt like I looked rather ghastly, like I'd just come back from the grave or something. But now I don't think that. I see me, the real, tried and true me. The me with imperfections that I certainly don't care for but that really don't matter. The me that longs for wholeness on the inside rather than the outside. I see me. The one who God fashioned by His grace, His choice, at His time, in His likeness and just the way He wanted because He loves me and wanted to be glorified through me. Life is so much easier when we realize we're not calling the shots, never were, never have been, never will be. But yet I still tried to and thought I did. Isn't that a funny one? I tried to tell my creator that he'd done a bad job and that he had some things to fix. I think his reply went something like this. "Eh hem, reality check??? I made you and I certainly did not screw up." The harsh reality is, sure there were things I needed to let Him fix, but it wasn't anything about my body, face or appearance. It was/is my heart. It was/is my lack of focus and tendency to get distracted and caught up in what this world says matters.
Today I'm praying that my focus lies where it needs to and that I am caught up in His grace and the beauty of how He created me.
Deuteronomy 10:21- He is your praise and He is your God, who has done for you these great and awesome things which your eyes have seen.
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